Sarah Petty: Our sixth year of Go Boutique Live just wrapped two weeks ago, and had the biggest number of photographers ever to hit six-figures or more in their businesses in 2024. If you’ve ever wondered what it really takes to break through and reach that level, you’re in for a treat. This episode is a compilation of portrait photographers who hit six-figures for the first time in 2024.
Ashley Bringenberg: My name is Ashley Bringenberg. The biggest change that I made in my photography business to hit 6-figures was not giving up on the plan that I had made. In years past, I would lay out my plan for the year, and then if I hadn’t reached my goal on a certain campaign I would just move on to the next project. That kept putting me behind where I wanted to be. In 2024, I decided it was going to be my year to make whatever I had planned happen. I wasn’t going to give up on what I had put on my year plan.
For example, in the spring, I wanted to book four couture dress sessions and I was struggling to get them booked. Prior to this year, I would’ve come to the end of that month and moved on to the next project. But in 2024, I really put my nose to the grindstone and I reached out, personal text messages, I posted things on social media and I invited four girls in for a complimentary dress session. I ended up making money because people are excited about what we’re doing and they love the images. The point was, I didn’t give up and I would have the year before. 2024 was my year of not being willing to take no for an answer from myself.
One of the habits that I put in place to reach 6-figures was being connected to my numbers and checking them everyday. It’s important to keep that number in the forefront of my mind and understand where I’m at and where I need to be. Another habit that I have is staying well-connected to my other PEAKs who are in my small group and friends that I’ve made in the program. Keeping that connection and helping each other out really helps you to stay motivated.
Another important habit is planning my week. Typically Sunday night, I will sit down and brainstorm a list of all the things that I need to do in the following week. When I plan my week, it’s so much easier to look at my day and stay on track.
Another habit is spending time with my family. Having that space to recharge and to not burn out is really important. It also helps me remember my why. The last habit is reading and listening to podcasts and keeping those business motivational chats and information on bettering myself and bettering my business in the forefront of my mind.
Heather Hughes: 2024 was my third year in a row of hitting 6-figures. One habit that helps me do this is evaluating where I’m going, the income I have coming in and the work I have coming in to make sure that I’m on target. I’ve been doing it on a quarterly basis. Recently I’ve started to do it on a monthly basis and it has alleviated a lot of stress. My next habit is always trying to get in extra photography sessions. So that when the unexpected happens, you still have income. Another habit I implement is using the 30, 60, 90 planning. Planning for the months ahead of time is important so I’ve got all the things in place so I’m not scrambling.
The last habit is not letting myself give up. Failure does lead to success. You have to keep getting up and dusting yourself off and trying again. I am constantly trying to learn, and I think as long as we continue to try to learn and improve ourselves and our businesses, that we will continue to be successful.
Jill Daugherty: The biggest change that I made to achieve my 6-figure goal for last year was I really leaned into studying my numbers and knowing what I needed to make each month. Spending time every day with your numbers makes a huge impact on your resolve to get it done. It turned into a creative challenge that was super fun to overcome.
I have been hitting six-figures ever since I’ve been a part of PEAK Performance coaching. A habit that I’ve developed in that time is planning. At the beginning of the year, I sit down with all of my numbers from the year before and I plan out my whole entire year. I have four big events that the studio does each year. I calculate how much I need to make from each one of the events. Then I look at all of the other genres that I want to photograph. Then my marketing plan follows that spreadsheet.
Another habit that I have is that I’m constantly checking my numbers. Figuring out where I’m at in the year helps drive my sales. The numbers constantly tell me the information that I need to know to drive the studio, to make the decisions about what the studio is doing. The numbers also help to calm the stress. There’s a lot of comfort in knowing and seeing your numbers.
Sarah Petty: How amazing was that? Those are real photographers who decided they were done playing small and committed to building a six-figure business the Boutique way. If they can do it, so can you.
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