Marketing Testimonials & Reviews

Seth Godin Interview with Sarah Petty


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Before You Spend Another Dollar Online,
Read Photography Business Institute's Reviews!

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Are you struggling internally with yourself? Are you worried about your skill level?
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Are you wondering if this course is worth it? Are you worried this isn’t the solution for you?

Jill Gray

Jill Gray Testimonial

Jill Daugherty

Jill Daugherty Testimonial

Antonette Jemelka

Antonette Jemelka Testimonial

Mindy Boughton

Mindy Boughton Testimonial
Sarah Petty Joy-of-Marketing Media Mentions

Media Mentions

CNBC interviewed Sarah Petty about how she turned her side gig into a full-time job. Read more about how Sarah Petty became an expert in marketing.

Lauren Hansen

Lauren Hansen Testimonial

Jim Allen

Jim Allen Testimonial

Mary Fosburg

Mary Fosburg Testimonial

Christina Murray

Christina Murray Testimonial

Bethany Kae

Bethany Kae Testimonial

Connie Rischman

Connie Rischman Testimonial

Ania Guire

Ania Guire Testimonial

Aleen Karakashian

Aleen Karakashian Testimonial

See what they’re saying about Photography Business Institute on social . . .

“I have held more than 50 events for groups of 300-600 business owners over the last 11 years. During that time I have hired many speakers, a lot of them being top names in the business. My group loved Sarah so much I almost got sick of hearing it. Bottom line, if you have a chance to book Sarah for your event – do it before someone else does. If you are on the fence about using Sarah or someone else like I was for your group or event, feel free to call or email me. I would be glad to tell you in more detail why going with Sarah is a big win all around.”

Sam Beckford
Successful Studio Strategies

“Dear Sarah, It was a great honor to meet you and learn from you at the Marathon Press MAP Getaway! Thank you for taking the time away from your family and busy life to share with us. I am always inspired after listening to your marketing wisdom! Please thank Erin as well! “

Shannon & Hayward Gaude
Hayware Guade Photography

Olivia Pritchard

Olivia-Pritchard Testimonial

Leonor and Mahnaz

Leonor and Mahnaz Testimonial

Alyssa Henrion

Alyssa Henrion Testimonial

Monica Lau

Monica Lau Testimonial

Jennifer Gomez

Jennifer Gomez Testimonial

Nicee Martin

Nicee Martin Testimonial
“Dear Sarah and Erin, Thank you so much for your presentation at Marathon Press MAP Getaway. Your program was very well organized, professional, full of important content and very entertaining. You are a gem in our industry, helping to inform, inspire and motivate professional photographers to be successful. Thanks for sharing!”

Joan Genest
Storytellers Photography

“Dear Sarah, I just wanted to write and thank you for coming to the MAP Getaway and sharing your time, expertise, and enthusiasm. You are helping so many photographers find their way as you inspires, empower, and energize. I loved your closing talk about the rock climbing wall and I keeping thinking about that foothold. You are a wonderful storyteller and encourage me to write my story and to learn to tell it with joy. Thank you! “

Virginia Freire Photography

Even more reviews . . .

Belinda Dean

Belinda Dean Testimonial

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith Testimonial

Cate Connery Bury

Cate Connery Bury Testimonial

Glenn Bashaw

Glenn Bashaw Testimonial

Tami Pilchard

Tami Pilchard Testimonial

Lindsey Bini

Lindsey Bini Testimonial

Natalie Parks

Natalie Parks Testimonial

Lauren Hansen

Lauren Hansen Testimonial

Jim Allen

Jim Allen Testimonial

Stacy Blackwell

Stacy Blackwell Testimonial

Connie Bensen

Connie Bensen Testimonial

Sally Rich

Sally Rich Testimonial

Tonya Dean

Tonya Dean Testimonial

Tiffany Michel

Tiffany Michel Testimonial

Aleen Karakashian

Aleen Karakashian Testimonial

Workshop Testimonial

Workshop Testimonial

Kate Mowler

Kate Mowler Testimonial

Jen Pisani

Jen Pisani Testimonial

Mindi Hettinger

Mindi Hettinger Testimonial

Mary Fosburg

Mary Fosburg Testimonial

Elise VanNatta

Elise VanNatta Testimonial

Connie Rischman

Connie Rischman Testimonial

Bobi Biederman

Bobi Biederman Testimonial

Christina Murray

Christina Murray Testimonial

Bethany Kae

Bethany Kae Testimonial

Valarie Villa

Valarie Villa Testimonial

Ania Guire

Ania Guire Testimonial

Aleen Karakashian

Aleen Karakashian Testimonial

Melinda Hunter

Melinda Hunter Testimonial

Melissa Harjes

Melissa Harjes Testimonial

Melissa Napoli

Melissa Napoli Testimonial

Melissa Napoli

Melissa Napoli Testimonial

Michael Haley

Michael Haley Testimonial

Natalie Parks

Natalie Parks Testimonial

Sally Rich

Sally Rich Testimonial

Valarie Villa

Valarie Villa Testimonial

Take your talent and skills to the next level with Photography Business Institute.