Sarah Petty: If you've been in photography for a while, but you haven't figured out how to turn...
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Worth Every Penny Joycast
Joycast Podcast: Podcast
Episode 239 – Photographing Solo? Here’s How to Get the Help You Need During the Session
For years, it was just me in my photography business, so I had to learn how to do things with four...
Episode 238 – The Sneaky Way Your Photography Business Is Stealing From Your Family.
I see so many photographers giving so much time to their photography businesses, and it starts to...
Episode 237 – From $700 to $30,000 in One Month: How Claudia Transformed Her Equine Photography Business
Sarah Petty: Making money with photography can feel like it would be too good to be true. My...
Episode 236 – The ONE Thing Every Photographer Needs to Do in November
If I were to look back on how I built my photography business over the last 26 years, there is one...
Episode 235 – Photographers Everywhere? Here’s Why That Can Actually Help You
I saw a stat that said there are 114,773 photographers in the United States. How are you supposed...
Episode 234 – From Airstream Adventures to $11K in Sales: How Jess Curren Restarted Her Photography Business
Sarah Petty: Mom of three, Jess Curren, put her photography business on hold to travel with her...
Episode 233 – The $6,194.40 Client Who Turned It Around for Single-Mom, Crystal
Sarah Petty: I know a lot of you feel like you've tried so many things to get your photography...
Episode 232 – Beyond the Lens: How Two Moms Built a Thriving Photography Business and a Life-Changing Friendship
Sarah Petty: I am super excited for today and I've never done a podcast like this, but today is a...
Episode 246 – Can the Boutique Business Model Work For Men?
In my recent Boutique Breakthrough 2.0 workshop, a fascinating question surfaced from a male student. How does the boutique photography business model differ for men versus women and can it really work for men as well as it does for women? After 18 years of training...
Episode 245 – Breaking the Bubble: 4 Tips to Attract Photography Clients Beyond Your Social Circle
Are you stuck thinking that the only clients you can book are your broke friends or bargain hunters? If you've ever thought that you don't know anybody with money who would hire you to photograph them then this episode is about to change everything for you. I'll...
Episode 244 – Why I Stopped Making Resolutions and Five Things I’m Doing This Year Instead
As we sit here at the edge of a new year, I want to talk about why I believe New Year's resolutions are a setup for failure and what I'm going to do instead to create real, lasting progress. I want to read to you a short post by Seth Godin called Clear Ice that he...
The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!