Meet Annie Grace Author, researcher, mom, wife, inventor, coach, CEO…these are just...
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Worth Every Penny Joycast
Joycast Podcast: Podcast
Episode 29: The Value of Photography Business Events
As photographers, what we need now, more than anything, is connection. We need to be together and...
Episode 28: Should You Do a Black Friday Sale in Your Photography Business?
Black Friday is fun, but having a Black Friday sale in your photography business is a terrible...
Episode 27: She Stopped Doing Mini-Sessions. Here’s What Happened.
What would happen if you said no to photography mini-sessions during the holiday season, and...
Episode 26: How to Avoid Feeling Guilty about Money
Does talking about money make you feel icky, greedy, shameful, and materialistic? As a society,...
Episode 25: 25 Unexpected Lessons for Photographers Who Want More
For today’s podcast, I’ve got a little twist for you. Ten years ago, I applied for the trademark...
Episode 24: This is Why Your Photography Business Card Doesn’t Work
I see you over there, blowing up Google with questions about your photography business card. What...
Episode 23: What to Do When You Believe You Can’t
We need to talk about a certain someone in your life. The one who puts you down and tells you that...
Episode 22: Why You Aren’t Attracting Better Clients
When you book sessions with photography clients who aren’t exactly your ideal client, you start to...
Episode 174 – 9 Words You Can Use if a Client Stumps You With a Hard Question
There's a trick your brain is playing on you to keep you stuck right where you are, no matter how badly you want that next level of growth in your photography business. The crazy thing about this trick is that you don't even realize it's happening. It's your brain's...
Episode 173 – Can Mentoring Young People Help Grow Your Photography Business?
When I reflected on my last week, a week jam packed with so many things, I realized my favorite thing I did all week involved a two-hour session mentoring one of my college student interns. It got me thinking about how most photographers do not even realize how much...
Episode 172 – Can You Be a Stay at Home Mom & Make Enough Income from Photography? How One Mom Is Getting $5,000 Orders
Sarah Petty: If you're a hybrid photographer who's offering prints but hasn't sold any yet, this is for you. Today, I'm talking to Canadian photographer Janelle Krulicki, a mom of two who has worked part-time as a photographer since 2015, while her kiddos were home...
The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!