Sarah: You've probably heard me talk about my “Julie” if you've been around my community for a...

Sarah: You've probably heard me talk about my “Julie” if you've been around my community for a...
Sarah Petty: Kristin, thank you so much for being here. Give everybody a little bit of your...
Is it possible to make as much from a portrait session as you can from photographing a wedding?...
Is it possible to be a single parent and a stay-at-home mom who brings in income? Elizabeth Covey...
If you're a wedding photographer who is considering switching to a kind of photography that...
There's a HUGE misconception among portrait photographers that you have to photograph a ton of...
One of my favorite things to do is share stories about what my students have overcome to inspire...
Don’t you hate it when you feel like you’re working so hard and nothing is working? Think about...
Networking is one of the scariest things to think about when you're a business owner. You have a full-time job, little kids, a spouse or partner who needs me, dentist appointments to take the kids to, PTO meetings, fitness class membership and the list goes on....
Have you ever worked with a client who made you question your career of being in business as a professional photographer? If so, you're not alone. Here's how to spot the warning signs early. You're a heart-centered photographer and you want to serve everyone....
If you're one of the 70% of Americans who will be dealing with freezing temperatures and even snow this winter, you might be thinking, where am I supposed to photograph my clients in this weather without a studio? I've got eight creative ideas that will keep your...
The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!