Episode 211 – 6 Things to Do Before Memorial Day in Your Photography Business To Crush 2024

Episode 211 - 6 Things to Do Before Memorial Day in Your Photography Business To Crush 2024


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

After 26 years as a boutique portrait photographer who puts #familyfirst, I've realized that I run my business a certain way so that I can avoid a lot of the mom guilt that many business owners feel. Putting #familyfirst while also growing a photography business doesn't just happen. You have to design it that way. Here are six things you could do before Memorial Day to crush 2024. 

  1. I look at #familyfirst photography businesses as one that has 3 phases

Phase one is January through Memorial Day. This is the first chunk of the year, where it's winter in most places. In January, we're fixing, systematizing, and preparing to launch. In that timeframe, we also need to launch something. I would pick the target audience that you want to reach at that time. This is how we make cashflow to get through this chunk of time.

Phase two is really important because Memorial Day really signifies a time of, "All right, dude, let's go." This is summertime so kids are out of school and that’s when I want to be rocking my business. I'm amping up my marketing instead of working full, long days every day. Summer is not taking off from your business in the name of #familyfirst.

Phase three is really Labor Day to the end of the year. You've got to have your systems in place and be ready to run fast. This is where marketing is full steam and you're making good money because this is when people are actively hiring photographers.

Your number one thing to do before Memorial Day is to look at these three phases and make sure that you're not sidelining your business for the summer. You don't have to work it 40 hours a week, but you do have to work it.

  1. Reverse engineer your end of summer goal

If you want to make $30,000 this summer, $10,000 a month, break down that summer goal by month, by week, and almost by day. If you focus on bringing that revenue in, you will see your goals get met and you will be happy. Maybe it's $500/week, that's $2k/month. $6,000 at the end of summer. Very doable with one session.

  1. Consider the holidays and make sure you’re using them

You're going to activities for Fourth of July, Father's Day, different summer parties and all the outings. This is your chance to network and book sessions. You don't have to be salesy, but if people are interested, get their number to follow up, reach out and book the session.

  1. Summer mindset

You have a summer mindset. It’s easy to throw your hair in a ponytail, wear no makeup and ratty clothes. But for the most part, in the summer, I take 10 minutes before I leave the house to fluff a little. I can throw on a cute t-shirt dress, put a little makeup on and fluff my hair a little bit. Because the second we go out looking embarrassed to see anybody, we're going to run into a client that hasn't been photographed in a while that we want to have a conversation with. We need to elevate our level because we're charging more as boutique photographers.

  1. New opportunities to meet people that you don’t have all year around

You don't have to be a 60-hour-a-week die-hard photographer to be able to enjoy your summer and your family. You can make six-figures very part-time. But in the summer, think opportunities that you don't have the rest of the year. Maybe you get a summer membership to the kid's museum, take your kids to the Farmer's Market or the waterpark. Use those visits with the intentionality of starting conversations, meeting people and booking clients.

  1. Set yourself up with accountability

This is what I love about our programs, like Boutique Breakthrough. They give the gentle support you need to keep doing one bite-sized activity each week so you're accomplishing your goals. We take this two month program and we break it down into what you should be doing every day. If you do those things, you will have success.

Setting your business up is as important as setting your kids' stuff up. At the beginning of the summer, you figure out what camps they are going to be in and what family trips you're going to take. If you want to continue having #familyfirst, freedom and flexibility, you still have to keep business on the front burner at least some of the time. As you do that over the summer, you'll find that you get better and better at it. You truly can have it all. It starts by making the decision right now that once Memorial Day hits, you are going all in on yourself and your business.

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Instagram sarah.petty