Sarah Petty: Alicia Sorenson was a new photographer stuck offering holiday mini sessions because that's what she thought she had to do. But with seven kiddos, the lifestyle that comes with digital files wasn't working for her. After making a change to the boutique model that we coach photographers on at the Photography Business Institute, she got over a $1,700 order.
Welcome, Alicia. Where has photography fit in your life with raising and having seven children?
Alicia Sorenson: I took a lot of pictures before I started having kids. Leading up to my youngest getting into school, I decided it was time for me to take this more seriously. I really want to help bring in some money, and this is the way that I want to do it. I started dabbling and have been doing mini sessions around Christmastime for the last couple of years.
Sarah Petty: How did you happen upon the system that we teach? The boutique system?
Alicia Sorenson: I saw you on Instagram and it totally pulled me in.
Sarah Petty: When you learned there was another way to run your business were you surprised?
Alicia Sorenson: Totally. To find out that there's another way is fabulous.
Sarah Petty: Especially when time is important to you and you’re spending hours editing. So you jumped into Boutique Breakthrough. Was this the first time you'd heard about Boutique Breakthrough?
Alicia Sorenson: Yes. But I knew this was an opportunity of a lifetime. It was the perfect time for me because I didn't really have a long-established business. I like to jump into things. So when I see something fabulous, I just go all in.
Sarah Petty: How did you feel as you got going? Were you nervous? Were you excited?
Alicia Sorenson: I was a little bit of everything. It was this awesome program with a lot of awesome people in it and some expectations so that you can continue through the program successfully. Really just a lot of excitement because there were so many amazing people that were super uplifting and motivating, both the people that I was going through it with and the coaches.
Sarah Petty: Did you like the format? Because you have to do the things. You just have to have some trust in the process because so many people have gone through it, but you create the prices without knowing what's next. Then you learn how to talk to people without knowing how you're going to get them, and you learn to create all the things before what's next. Was that hard for you?
Alicia Sorenson: 100% that made it easier. I absolutely loved that about Boutique Breakthrough. I just took it one step at a time. It was all laid out very clearly, and you had help and huge motivators all along the way. It was really fabulous. I loved that process.
Sarah Petty: But you did say the scariest part for you was going out and talking to people, which surprises me because you seem so comfortable and easy to talk to.
Alicia Sorenson: I've been a little bit of an introvert and extrovert at the same time, so I don't know why I have a little bit of fear of going out and talking to people because you guys have all these great ideas. When I would go out and do them, it really wasn't that hard. Your program is helping me to overcome it and become somebody that I never honestly thought I could be. I would see all of these successful people in their businesses and it felt like a dream to me. Your program has helped me to believe in myself and to get that process and to be able to move forward.
Sarah Petty: It does help when you have tools. Did the scripts and the role play help give you the confidence too?
Alicia Sorenson: Yeah, and just the pep talks constantly were also awesome.
Sarah Petty: Tell me about your first Julie, $1k or more client order.
Alicia Sorenson: I had someone who reached out to me because they hated all the pictures they had gotten from a digital file photographer. I took her through the process and she was all on board and she ended up ordering $1,700 worth of images.
Sarah Petty: $1,700 your first time out. How did you feel about yourself when someone gave you that much money?
Alicia Sorenson: It just confirmed everything that I had been learning about myself.
Sarah Petty: Who did you call when you got that order?
Alicia Sorenson: I told my husband and he was super impressed.
Sarah Petty: That is so amazing, Alicia. What are you excited about in the future? More Julies?
Alicia Sorenson: For sure more Julies. I'm really excited about continuing to use the things that I learned in Boutique Breakthrough for the rest of my career. Sarah Petty: I love it. Girl, thank you so much for being here and sharing your story.