Episode 56: 3 Aha’s From Photographers In Growth Mode

3 Aha’s From Photographers In Growth Mode


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

I don’t know about you, but I love having aha moments in my business.

An aha moment is that realization that changes everything.

When my business isn’t growing, an aha moment can change everything and move me forward. 

As a photography business coach, I want to provide those aha moments for my students.

Twice a year, my Peak Performance coaching students come together for a two-day immersion training.

The goal is for them to have big breakthroughs and get clarity on what actions they need to take in the next 90 days to grow their portrait photography businesses.

We just wrapped up our spring immersion, and it was so powerful.

Today I’m sharing with you some of the biggest aha’s that my students had during those two days together so you can have your own breakthroughs too. 

#1 You Don’t Have To Be Great at Everything

So many people think that they have to be great at everything because of school.

School teaches people,

“I’m not good at this subject, so I need to work hard and get good at it.”

I believe the opposite is true.

If we do things that we’re already naturally good at and have a passion for, we’re going to be happier and do better at them.

I teach my kids to be really good and passionate about something that they can build a life on. 

Build your business around the things that you’re good at and you focus on your strengths.

By doing this, you can build a business and the life that you love.

If you’re doing what makes you happy, you’re going to love your life, and you’re going to show up as a much happier person.

#2 Not Everyone is a Competitor

I love the quote from President John F. Kennedy:

“A rising tide lifts all boats.”

Educating other photographers will benefit everyone.

You don’t have to look at other photographers in your area as competition. You can see opportunities for a relationship and education.

Some of my Peak Performance coaching students are in the same market and get together.

We get much further when we work together than when we work separately.

#3 Don’t Say Yes On the Spot

I don’t say yes to things on the spot.

This is a lesson that I had to learn this the hard way, early on as a photography business owner.

I always loved people’s ideas, and I would get caught up in the excitement and say yes.

Then, on the drive home I would think

“Why did I say yes? I don’t have the time to do that.”

Most of us are pleasers by nature, so we want to say yes, but I hate remorse and regret.

My rule is that even if I know I want to say yes, I don’t say it on the spot.

This gives me time to look at my schedule and see if I am able to commit, and decide if it is in my best interest.

If I still decide it is a yes, I reach out and they’ll be thrilled.

If I decide it’s a no, I can compose a professional email letting them know how much I appreciate the opportunity, but I’m over-extended. 

I love teaching, and I also love running my photography business.

Both of my businesses have pushed me to be better in the other.

I’ve invested so much in education on how to run profitable businesses that will allow me to put my family first.

I know how impactful my coaches have been on my businesses, and I hope to help my students in the same way.

Nothing feels more rewarding than watching my students have aha moments that change everything for them.

Lean in and embrace others who can challenge you and give you aha moments.

Invest in yourself.

I want you to know that I am here for you when you’re ready, and I will continue to believe in you until you believe in you.

You can do this.

3 Aha’s From Photographers In Growth Mode