Worth Every Penny Joycast



Photography Business Strategy Podcast

Episode 229 – 3 Mistakes I Made in July’s Sales Presentations That Could Have Ruined the Sale
I've been running a professional photography business for 26 years, and I still make mistakes. The...

Episode 228 – How This Single Mom Turned $555 Sessions Into Average Orders of $2,834 Real FAST, In A Small Town
Sarah Petty: As a struggling single mother in a small upstate New York town, Madeleine Fenton...

Episode 227 – 7 Big Takeaways From a $10,000+ Day of Selling Portraits
If you listened to Episode #226 with my student Amy Yang, you heard the crazy story of how I sold...

Episode 226 – I Did the Entire Sales Process For One of My Students. You Will NEVER Believe What Happened
Sarah Petty: Last week, I did something I've never done at our two-day summer camp event we host...

Episode 225 – From Part-Time Physical Therapist to Full-Time Photography: Liz’s Journey to Living Her Dream
Sarah Petty: Liz Schmidt was feeling lost in her career transition from physical therapy. She...

Episode 224 – Avoid This: 3 Costly Brand Disconnects That Make People Pay You Less
Because we're in an industry as professional photographers that doesn't require a lot of money...

Episode 223 – The Epiphany: What I Learned from a Friend that Changed My Approach to Vendors
I am in a very cool photography business group, and on a recent trip we had, I had a powerful...

Episode 222 – How This 17-Year Professional Photographer Turned Her Business Setback Into A Massive Success Story
Sarah Petty: Allyson Furlong thought everyone wanted digital files, so that's what she offered...

Episode 221 – What #FamilyFirst Really Means
Family first is our credo, our motto, one of the three pieces of our framework at the Photography...
Episode 247 – Why Hiring a Wedding Photographer Made Me Rethink Everything About Pricing
Today's podcast is a little different because I want to share a personal story with you. My youngest daughter, Grace, just got married and it looked and felt so different to be on the other side of this exchange of money and I want to walk you through all of the...
Episode 246 – Can the Boutique Business Model Work For Men?
In my recent Boutique Breakthrough 2.0 workshop, a fascinating question surfaced from a male student. How does the boutique photography business model differ for men versus women and can it really work for men as well as it does for women? After 18 years of training...
Episode 245 – Breaking the Bubble: 4 Tips to Attract Photography Clients Beyond Your Social Circle
Are you stuck thinking that the only clients you can book are your broke friends or bargain hunters? If you've ever thought that you don't know anybody with money who would hire you to photograph them then this episode is about to change everything for you. I'll...

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!