The holidays are the PERFECT time to create loyalty and get referrals from your best clients! I...
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Worth Every Penny Joycast
Joycast Podcast: Boutique Photography
Episode 128: How Hard Is It to Reach 6-Figures In Your Photography Business?
There's a HUGE misconception among portrait photographers that you have to photograph a ton of...
Episode 127: How a Digital File Photographer Reinvented Herself as Boutique in a New Community
One of my favorite things to do is share stories about what my students have overcome to inspire...
Episode 120: Is This Why You Have Too Much Competition for Photography Clients?
Believe it or not, you can control how many competitors you have! Yes, really! I kind of chuckle...
Episode 119: When This Mom of 4 Lost Her Job, She Went All In With Photography
I am really excited to be here with my student, Keilynn White, who decided to go all-in on...
Episode 118: 4 Things You Can Do in 15 Minutes While on Vacation to Keep Growing Your Photography Business
Do you want to go on vacation, but worry that your photography business will crawl to a standstill...
Episode 117: 4 Reasons Portrait Photographers Should Stop Using Online Galleries
I’ve talked to so many photographers who feel like they’re serving their clients by offering them...
Episode 116: From a Brownie Camera to Big-time Sales: How Dawn Turned Her Love of Photographing Teens Into an Income
Do you ever struggle with trusting your talent as a photographer? Or maybe you wonder if you’ll...
Episode 115: The Trick I Learned Purging My Garage That Can Help You Get Momentum This Summer
Momentum is something we all want (and need), but often, we have no idea where to find it or how...
Episode 235 – Photographers Everywhere? Here’s Why That Can Actually Help You
I saw a stat that said there are 114,773 photographers in the United States. How are you supposed to stand out when it seems like everyone is a photographer? If you're struggling in business, you might be thinking it's because there's so much competition, but is that...
Episode 234 – From Airstream Adventures to $11K in Sales: How Jess Curren Restarted Her Photography Business
Sarah Petty: Mom of three, Jess Curren, put her photography business on hold to travel with her family full time in an Airstream. But after five years, they decided to pull over and settle down again. She picked up the camera and officially relaunched her business as...
Episode 233 – The $6,194.40 Client Who Turned It Around for Single-Mom, Crystal
Sarah Petty: I know a lot of you feel like you've tried so many things to get your photography business to the point where you're happy with the income you're bringing in, and that's why I'm so excited for you to meet Crystal. Maybe photography makes you happy, but...
The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!