37 Portrait Photography Clients Who Want To Hire You Today

portrait photography clients


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Your community is full of portrait photography clients and they want to hire you!

If your business is slower than you’d like it to be, it’s time to pick up a pen and write some notes, pick up the phone and make a few calls, pick up a few new portrait photography clients and pick up the pace of your business.

There are dozens of future portrait photography clients in your community.

You know them, they know you. But they can't hire you if they haven't been offered the opportunity.

Today, I'm going to introduce you to 37 of your future clients and help pave the way to your next portrait session.

Somebody wants to hire you today!

But how do you pick the right person to contact? And what do you say? Here's the list, and below we'll walk you through some simple steps to get them in front of your camera.

37 people you can reach out to become portrait clients right now

  1. Dentist
  2. Orthodontist
  3. Ob/Gyn
  4. Financial planner
  5. Realtor
  6. Pampered Chef Rep
  7. Make-up (Mary Kay)
  8. Insurance agent
  9. Hair salon
  10. Spa owner
  11. Veterinarian
  12. Groomer
  13. Pet Boarder
  14. Doggie Daycare Center owner
  15. Attorney
  16. Gymnastics center owner
  17. Medical spa owner
  18. Pediatrician
  19. Banker
  20. Car dealer
  21. Dermatologist
  22. Restaurant owner
  23. Interior Designer
  24. Clothing store owner
  25. Accountant
  26. Chiropractor
  27. Jeweler
  28. Optometrist
  29. Fitness center owner
  30. Florist
  31. Wedding / prom boutique owner
  32. Golf course owner
  33. Reception / events venue owner
  34. Home builder
  35. Developer
  36. Tutoring center owner
  37. Remodeling contractor

portrait photography clients

What is the best way to reach your next portrait photography client?

A phone call? Social media? A note in the mail? An Email?

Your preferred method depends on a few factors.

  • How well do you know them and in what context? Are you an acquaintance, a patient, a regular customer or just a casual shopper?
  • What is their schedule like? Are they in appointments all day, are they at a computer, are they out of the office a lot?
  • How quickly do you want to be booked? If you'd like to book them today, try the phone first.

Emails are easy to ignore or delete. And they don’t feel personal. I save that as a last resort.

The same can be true for social media. It feels like an afterthought or can feel lazy.

But a phone call or handwritten note are harder to ignore and more personal of a contact that cut through the clutter.

I prefer to pick up the phone or drop a note in the mail.

I use social media to see what they are up to in their life so I have something to connect with them about before I make the call.

I recently reached out to a local real estate agent. I saw on social media that her family was doing some really cool stuff so I approached her with an idea for images of her family that she could tie back to marketing her business. She loved it and we’re working on it now.

That's just one example of how easy this is! She wasn't even MY real estate agent, but I knew her casually.

It really is that easy when you say the right thing an approach them with a great idea.

If you're not sure what to say or what to offer so that they say yes to becoming a client, join me for my upcoming free training webinar. Grab your seat HERE.

free book worth every penny


Who to reach out to first:

That's a big list of potential clients! Where should you start?

Step 1 - Print this list!

Step 2 - Brainstorm. 

Write down the names of who you know in each category beside each one. Put a star beside the ones you know the best. Underline all the ones you've spent money with in the past.

Step 3 - Prioritize! 

Now you can see which are the most likely to hire you first.

Step 4 - Follow the money. 

Start by contacting people on this list you spend money with.

When you’re already a client, they are more likely to support your business. Reciprocity. You have already scratched their back so they will be more eager to work with you.

What to say when you reach them:

Step 1 – Make a connection.

What made you think of them?

Do you have kids the same age?

Are you getting ready to come back in for an appointment?

Has it been a few years since you photographed his family?

Did you run into his wife recently?

Did you see his name in the newspaper?

Did you see on social media that his kids will all be home for the holidays?

Find a reason to make a connection, and reach out. "I was thinking of you, because" is far more compelling than "I need more clients to photograph."

Find your reason.

Step 2 – Share your idea. 

What is it that you can do for him?

What is your offer?

It’s a special time of year so it’s the perfect time to try something different from your typical session.

I’ll be sharing 3 different portrait ideas that clients can’t say no to that you can offer this time of year to new and existing clients on this upcoming free training.

Step 3 – Take their temperature.  

Ask how this sounds to them. Would they would like you to save them a spot?

Step 4 - Schedule their session.

If they are ready, take their deposit and schedule their in-person consultation and session.


How to find the right photography client



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