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Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Photography branding

Update Your Photography Branding

Update Your Photography Branding

If you’re thinking about rebranding simply because you no longer like the way your font looks or are just bored with the look of your logo, then it’s time to slow down and reconsider. Dramatic changes to your brand just because you feel like spicing things up can create a really big mess. Keep in mind that just because you’re bored with your logo doesn’t mean everyone else is.

The first question to ask yourself is why do you want to rebrand?

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How Do You Charge What You Are Worth? Brand Building Tips

How Do You Charge What You Are Worth? Brand Building Tips

I see many small business owners who are nervous to charge what they are worth. Some have even told me that they have feelings of guilt if they price their products and/or services to be profitable. What is the point of taking the risk to be in business if you aren’t going to make it worth your time? Here are a few things to focus on so that you are building value for your products and services and taking the emphasis off price.

1. Build your brand.

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5 Tips to Get Your Photography Business Holiday-Ready

As the days grow shorter and the weather grows colder, we are reminded that the season for holiday portraits is coming up fast. It’s a crazy time for everyone but especially for portrait photographers. It seems like every family needs last-minute portraits. So, as...

Top 5 Ways Workshops Can Transform Your Photography Business

Whether you’re just starting a photography business or feeling like you're in a rut, a photography workshop can provide education and inspiration. Every photographer has room to grow and learn new skills. Let's look at five ways attending a live or virtual photography...

Setting a Path for Growth: Scaling Up Your Photography Business

As photographers, we fill many different roles. We are creative ideas people, business owners, marketing managers, customer service providers, image editors and more. In addition to all the hats we wear as photographers, many of us are also spouses, parents and...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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