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Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

WOW. What a month! Running a business AND a Telesummit is a little more than a full plate. Now that the Telesummit is over (I hope you all took advantage), I now need to get back into my studio. Like everyone else, I have to work EVERY DAY to keep the phone ringing. Luckily, our fall direct marketing piece hits next week. I have created a custom, offset-printed promotional piece every fall for years. There is no price offer, simply, I want this piece to remind my best clients to come in sooner. When the people who come in every fall wait until late November to call, it is a little chaotic.

SO, while the goal of this isn’t to make the phone ring off the hook, it IS to start a steady flow of calls. I usually like to get it out after the Labor Day weekend, but due to the Telesummit and other projects, we are getting it out now. We printed several thousand of these. Our mailing list is a tidy 800ish and we are constantly updating and keeping it clean. We will use the other several thousand to prospect around our city. As you hopefully know by now, with offset printing, your costs are up front with setup, etc.

SO, once the press is started, your per piece cost goes down dramatically. Therefore, we always run lots of extras. Hopefully, you are all doing something this fall to drum up activity!

Setting a Path for Growth: Scaling Up Your Photography Business

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Essential Costs When Starting a Photography Business

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Help Your Portrait Subjects Shine with Expert Direction

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