Small Business Marketing Idea: Back to School Means Back to Marketing

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute


There are certain times of the year when it is a natural fit for marketers to reach out to their community to help fill their needs. Back to school is one of those times so here’s a small business marketing idea for your business.

Parents have had a change of schedule in the summer. Kids sleep late. Many of them are home from school. Alternative child care arrangements often must be made. Play dates come and go like there is a revolving door at the side of the house. And then, as summer nears an end, kids are restless and anxious to reunite with friends.

For parents, it is bittersweet – we love having more time with our kids yet we are ready for the wet swimming suits and snack wrappers to go away. I know many of my friends and I have been talking about how sad we are that summer is over, but how happy we will be to reclaim our houses. There is something nice about a routine that helps everyone find their groove. And as consumers, what happens when our little whirlwinds go back to school? There are so many needs we have now that need to be filled.

All of the broken things in our homes need to be fixed. Carpets often need to be cleaned. Our yards have been neglected in the hot summer heat. Our windows may need to be washed. It is a weight-loss and fitness marketers perfect window of opportunity because many adults are ready to refocus on themselves once school starts. Everyone has some color on their skin so naturally, photography is at the top of the list.

You have probably heard the saying, shoot when the ducks are flying. Well, when the kids go back to school, the ducks are flying. Figure out a way to reach out to your community to remind them of your services. They need what you have and you are doing them a favor by filling the need. For the past several years in my boutique photography studio business, we have created a dynamic promotional piece that we mail to our database right after Labor Day. It is a time of refocus and I want to be there to help my clients have photographic artwork that they can enjoy forever (and not to mention, help them knock their holiday card off their list extra early). What a gift I can give them!

What are you doing to help your clients?


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