10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

Ways You Know Youre a Professional Photographer


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Do you white balance your iPhone pictures? Do you know every cool alley in town? If you answered yes, chances are you’re a photographer.

You know you’re a professional photographer if…

1. You’ve nearly been hit by a car while running out into the street to get “the shot.”

2. You assume people have gorgeous landscaping for you to stop by for a session.

10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

3. You are always looking for the shot that can become the wall portrait.

10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

4. You use Photoshop as a verb.

10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

5. You’ve been in a Canon vs. Nikon war with a friend.

10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

6. You won’t take a snapshot if there isn’t enough light. Better no pic than bad pic.

10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

7. Your grandma’s friend’s neighbor asks you for advice on purchasing a camera with enough megapixels.

10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

8. You have no idea how people can work in an office all day. You’re used to an afternoon shooting at the lake or on a rooftop.

10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

9. You see a colorful dumpster or stack of cardboard while out with friends and exclaim how you’re definitely coming back to shoot there tomorrow.

10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

10. You recognize faces in town because you’ve Photoshopped them.

10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

Grab a mobile album of these awesome graphics so you can share them with your friends!

I’d love to hear what you would add to this list. Go ahead and share! You’re in good company.

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