Try These Small Business Strategies For a Better Year in 2011!


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute


I don’t know about the rest of you but I love this week every year. Things are calm. There is time to think, organize and be thankful for a great year. Or get fired up for a better year next year. Here are 3 small business strategies I want you to think about this week to help you have a better 2011.

Reflect. Literally, take out a pen and paper and write down the things you thought were successful this year and the things you thought were not.

Remind. Remind yourself that you work SO hard. Turn right now and pat yourself on the back. You deserve to be celebrated once in a while. Many of you are solopreneurs and if you don’t do it, nobody else will!

Refocus. Take this week to rid yourself of the negativity (and the messy files and dirt in the corners) and refocus. This is the best time of the year to set goals to ensure next year will be even better.

My best advice – while you are cleaning and getting organized, take 30 minutes to listen to one of my idols, Brian Tracy, as he gives you actionable small business strategies to implement for a better life next year. Register for the free event and you can immediately listen to Brian Tracy talk about goal setting. I know you can do it and you know you can do it. Now go do it!

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