Marketing Help: 3 Ways to Get Your Clients To Refer You


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

It’s been a few weeks since we have released a new episode of The Small Business Marketing Ideas Podcast but we have a great one full of marketing help for your boutique business today.

What is the lifeblood of keeping your sales funnel full to grow your small business? Referrals!

Today we share 3 cool ways to get your clients to refer you to their friends. This isn’t about referral programs or incentives. This is about what you need to be doing in your business every day to make your business referral worthy. It’s not expensive, it just requires you to pay attention.

Tune in now to hear why you need to be paying attention to all the details, the experience and what to do to your products to give your clients reason to talk to everyone they know about you. This episode will get your creativity flowing. If you like what you hear, subscribe for free in itunes.

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