A plea to help Jed and Vicki Taufer


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute


Many in our community know Jed and Vicki Taufer, leaders in the photographic industry and their 2.5 year plight to adopt a one year old baby girl from Nepal, Purnima.


Jed and Vicki have spent the last week in Nepal getting to know their beautiful baby girl, holding her each day and bonding so as to ease her transition to her new home and family in Morton, Illinois.


Upon arrival in Kathmandu, the Taufers were informed that the adoption policy for Nepalese children classified as abandoned has changed. The Taufers are one of 12 families who are now, after meeting their new daughter, being denied adoption until further investigation of the circumstances behind the classification of all abandoned children in Nepal.


It’s heart wrenching to fathom leaving your baby daughter in an orphanage and returning home with a part of your family missing. In an attempt to gain support from the U.S. government to ease the restrictions for the 12 families who are already in Nepal with their children, the Taufers would appreciate you contacting your congressmen and women. Let’s do what we can to bring the Taufer family home together.


Below is a letter you can copy and paste to send to your elected officials. Together, we can make a difference. Please keep Jed and Vicki in your thoughts and prayers.


To Whom It May Concern,
We are aware of a group of Americans who have recently traveled to Nepal in order to pick up children they have adopted and bring them home. Upon arriving, they’ve discovered that the U.S. has changed their policy regarding adoptions in Nepal and now they are stuck in a situation where it looks very doubtful that they are going to be able to bring their babies home. There are currently 12 families whose voices need to be heard and collectively we can make a difference if we act now.

Please help us fight this injustice by looking into the case and taking immediate action. These families need their adoptions to be processed under the previous investigation policies that were in effect just a week or so ago so they can bring their children home. Contact Ruth Lincoln at the Office of Children’s Issues within the Bureau of Consular Affairs – lincolnra@state.gov  or anyone else who may be able to resolve this issue as soon as possible. If you’d like to contact one of the members of the 12 families, feel free to email jedness@mac.com. Thank you for your efforts.

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