Be consistent.

Be consistent.


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Whether you own a photography business, a gift shop or a service business such as a hair salon, you can’t simply mail a pretty direct marketing piece or have beautiful packaging and call it a day.

Without every element of your business and marketing being consistent, you will create confusion in the mind of the consumer and you will not get people emotionally attached to your brand.

This is why when you go to Walmart for photos, a gift or a haircut, you aren’t receiving the personal attention, the beautiful experience or the dynamic packaging you will receive at a boutique business. So, of course, you expect a lower price at Walmart.

If you run your business like a mass chain where nobody knows your name, there is no attention to detail and the experience is less than spectacular, don’t be shocked when consumers want to pay Walmart prices.

Even PIG-PEN understands inconsistency!

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