Cafe Joy Members are Rockin’ with Cool Marketing Ideas


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

You’d be surprised at how much success you can have, just by approaching the right person with cool marketing ideas. One of our members recently had one of her images appear on the Today Show! And it all began with a request to spec shoot a local celebrity….read on!

Many of you may remember a call we did in November for Cafe Joy members. We featured one of our recent contest winners, Laura Reese, from Heartsong Photography. In case you missed it, Laura won a contest we held over the summer encouraging Cafe Joy members to go out and shoot on spec to drum up business. You can check out a recording of this call in the resources area of the Pantry.

Laura reached out to a radio celebrity in the Atlanta market who often talked on air about her little girl, Lily. While Laura didn’t have any previous relationship with the radio host, she thought she’d reach out to her and give it a shot. She offered to photograph the radio host’s little girl for free as part of the spec shooting competition. Not only did Laura’s business, Heartsong Photography, experience massive free publicity (the radio host posted the images on her personal blog and has given numerous shout outs on air to Laura), one of her images was actually featured on the Today Show recently! Holy Smokes! Congratulations, Laura, for taking a chance.

We’d love to hear your success stories and feature you on an upcoming blog post or call. Just email us at


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