Use These Small Business Strategies to Help Calm the Craziness


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

I recently interviewed Ann Michael Henry, a productivity chef who helps small business owners overcome that overwhelmed feeling in small business. It’s rare that I don’t feel overwhelmed with everything on my to do list. And I’m lucky enough to have a staff to help me out when I get in a bind and to not have chidren yet!  Small business strategies and tips can help you with that feeling of overwhelm.

I picked up a few great tips from this short interview that I know can help you develop a laser focus on what really needs to be done to grow your business. Listen here to learn Ann Michael’s 5 strategies to calm the “I’m overwhelmed” sensation of entrepreneurship. One of my favorite things Ann Michael shared was that entrepreners should be intelligent but lazy, which sounded weird to me because I know as entrepreneurs we’re anything BUT lazy. Oh and Ann Michael also shared how to get a cool free gift from her, too.I hope you enjoy! And be sure to comment on the blog and let me know what your favorite tip is!

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