Small Business Blog: Can Your Customers Contact You?


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute


Small Business Blog

I visit a lot of small business owners’ websites. Sometimes I need to get in touch with the business whose site I’m on immediately, but other times I’d just like to send them an email because I’m tied up with something else and can’t get into all my questions on the phone.

More and more websites I encounter are guilty of one of the three (or in drastic cases all three!):

1) Do not include a phone number for me to call them

2) Do not include an email address, rather a contact us form and who knows if it even goes to the right person

3) Hide the contact page so I have to hunt around trying to find it

It annoys me. It’s bad business. You should WANT to talk to your customers. So make it easy for them to contact you however THEY want to. Not how YOU want them to.

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