Dane Sanders – Joy to the World Websummit Q and A


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Dane Sanders … What comes to mind? Dane is a photographer, author and leader who loves to ask questions that open up new possibilities for his friends.  Get to know critically-acclaimed Fast Track Photographer, Dane Sanders in my short Q & A session. Dane joins 27 others from around the globe in our FREE Joy to the World Websummit on December 28!

Q: What do you wish you would’ve known when you started your business?

A: I wish I knew that it was more about business than it was about photo. And that being a creative was more about me than about my equipment.

Q: What is one interesting fact that people don’t know about you?

A: I cry when I watch The Biggest Loser & Extreme Home Make-Over… every time.

Q: What is the best advice you have ever been given regarding your business and by whom?

A: Be more concerned about the interests of others and I’ll never be out of

Q: If you weren’t a photographer, what would you do for a living?

A: I’d be a writer.

Q: Who are some of your mentors?

A: Brad Elliott, Peter Thomsen and David Jay (photographers), Dallas Willard (philosopher), Seth Godin (marketer) and Francis Chan (persuader).

Q: Please share anything else you think would be fascinating to help photographers market their business:

A: Read Chris Brogan.

If you haven’t yet, make sure you register today for our FREE event – the Joy to the World Websummit where you’ll hear more from Dane Sanders, Colleen Gonsar, Tamara Lackey, Alycia Alvarez and many MORE!

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