Small Business Blog- How Good Is Your Website?


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Recently we stumbled upon a cool site that grades your website and social media presence – I thought this would be perfect for our small business blog. In minutes you’ll have a five page report on your website on what you can improve upon and what you’re doing well. Hey, it’s back to school time. Give yourself a grade!

How to Discover and Develop Your Photography Style

Think about one of your favorite photographers, artists, or filmmakers. You likely could recognize their work without being told who created it. The certainty you feel is a result of every great artist having their own unique style. No two photographers will take the...

Camera Care Tips for Trouble-Free Photography Sessions

Have you ever had that dream? You’re in the studio, about to start a family photography session. Your clients are ready and looking great. You get them in place, check your lighting, and pick up your camera. Looking through the viewfinder, you frame your image and...