How to Overcome Your Fear of Selling with Kevin Kubota


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute
A top 10 wedding photographer in the world and small business owner extraordinare, Kevin Kubota, is truly one of the all-time greats, but not just because of his photography skills. Kevin has mastered the art of selling and has so much to share during our 10.10.10 SalesSummit. And if being a top wedding photographer didn’t keep Kevin busy enough, he has expanded his business to include an incredible photography products company, Kubota Image Tools.

We asked Kevin, How did you overcome your fear of selling?

KK:  When you wholeheartedly believe in your product, selling is easy. I made sure I had a quality product via personal education, attention to detail, and infusing passion in to all of my work. I am 100% confident that what I am selling is worth more than my asking price. Sometimes it also takes reminding yourself of the priceless value of what you provide (via charity work and re-reading customer testimonials) to ensure that confidence stays fore in your mind.

So, Kevin, What do you think is the single most important thing photographers need to know about sales?

KK:  Selling is about building an emotion need or connection to a product and your confidence in presenting that product and the need. If you can remember this, (and also that selling is not a dirty word) you can sell without even realizing you are selling.

What will you reveal in your presentation on 10.10.10 at the SalesSummit that photographers can’t miss?

KK:  I’m going to show how you use your natural skills as a photographer to sell without selling. There are simple things you can do before the client is even in front of you, to ensure a higher rate of success when it comes time for them to write the check.

Here’s a sneak peak of Kevin’s 10.10.10 presentation. If you haven’t yet, REGISTER for this FREE event on 10.10.10 from 10 am to 10 pm CST. It can change your life. And if you have a wedding or family commitment on 10.10.10, you can VERY affordably purchase the recordings of this event BEFORE 10.10.10 and save $40. Regularly $99, we’re offering it for $59 before the event goes live so you can refer to this life-changing education for years to come.

More about Kevin Kubota:

American Photo Magazine named Kevin Kubota one of the
“Top 10 Wedding Photographers in the world”. His photos have been featured
on the covers and within the pages of many popular magazines and photography
books. Kevin has been sponsored to present by Nikon and Adobe, and his work
with the Nikon digital camera earned him a spot as a Nikon “Legend Behind
the Lens”. Kevin is also a PPA Photographic Craftsman. He created the
popular “Digital Photography
” workshop which has been running successfully since 2002. He
authored the book under the same name, now in it’s second edition, published by
Amherst Media. Kubota Image Tools
products have won multiple Hot One
Awards as well as the Readers Choice
. Kevin was personally awarded the 2009
Monte Zucker Memorial Humanitarian Award
for social service through

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