Make every opportunity count


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Make every opportunity count.


Check out our new channel on YouTube!

You’ll see two videos currently posted. The first is a video of me being roped into hosting of a bunch of tv commercials promoting “market days” at our shopping district (this was one of the LIVE ones). There were artists on the plaza, musicians and fun shopping. Because we are plenty busy keeping up with the seniors, we decided not to have an event. These tv spots were purchased by the owner of the development will be good visibility for the studio. You never know when little tidbits like this will happen so be ready for them and jump on in. The second is the result of some images we did for a local pet clinic. They took our images and created an inexpensive tv spot to promote their clinic. Of course their clients were more than pleased at the opportunity to purchase images of their pets, too, and it generated additional revenue for the studio.

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