Looking For Some Of The Best Photography Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Business This Year?
Maybe you've been toying with the idea of taking your photography business to the next level and getting more serious. Or maybe you've just exhausted all your best ideas.
Either way, I put together a list of the 10 best photography marketing ideas to grow your photography business that can help keep you busy and your pockets full.
1. Establish a marketing calendar.
Your marketing calendar will help you get a clear vision of what activities you'll be doing each month to bring in new clients, prioritize the most important things on your to-do list, and choose activities that work with your personal schedule.
2. Start getting noticed.
Working to get some notable media coverage and publicity will help build up your brand as an expert in the photography field. With the right approach, you can attract new audiences through guest posting, interviews, and more.
3. Re-think your pricing menu.
Maybe you just need a price menu re-design, or maybe you need to re-think what you're charging completely. Take the time to look at the numbers and see how much you should actually be charging per session based on your time, equipment costs, travel expenses, props, etc.
4. Try something new.
Test out a fun kids event that brings in new portrait orders (and is adorably cute at the same time!) Whether it's inviting kids to come have a mud pie fest with you, or a Cutest Kid contest--these events can be extremely profitable and fun.
5. Get inspired by a good read.
Sometimes the best way to re-boot your business is to read something that gets your wheels turning and your entrepreneurial fire re-ignited. In our book, Worth Every Penny, we teach you to sell without discounting and how to use profitable marketing strategies to build a business that thrills your customers. By the way, you can get a free copy of this New York Times Bestselling book for photography businesses here.
6. Try new templates that get you referrals.
Your marketing pieces need to make a statement if you want to stand out in the ever-increasing field of photographers. Test out some new pieces that get people talking.
7. Do a complete re-brand.
Your branding represents your entire business and speaks volumes of your professionalism. Consider a brand makeover as one way how to grow your photography business.
8. Start blogging.
Let people get to know you and share your expertise all at the same time. Writing regular blog posts will help establish your ethos as an expert photographer who really knows what he/she is doing.
9. Get smarter with continued education.
Try an online course or telesummit that will teach you valuable tips and tricks of the trade that will help you work more efficiently and effectively. Or, you can listen to a podcast, like the Worth Every Penny Joycast created just for photographers and photography businesses.
10. Join a club.
Working alongside fellow photographers and with a great mentor will help keep you on your toes all year long.