Our interview with Sandy Puc for the Joy to the World Websummit!


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

“I push the shutter because at that moment, it is only about how I feel.  Not what I see. Those feelings cannot be captured, they live in my heart. The final images are just a memorial to the moment and the feelings I had. They remind me that I was and still am alive….” That was a quote from Sandy Puc, one of our 28 featured speakers in the Joy to the World Websummit, as she describes what she feels when she takes a photograph. Read more about Sandy Puc in the Q&A interview below.

Q: What do you wish you would’ve known when you started your business?

A: When I started out I was really worried about my local competition. I was always concerned that my work was not good enough and that I did not have the skills needed to compete. I now believe that 99% of a successful business has everything to do with the relationships that you create with your clients and the care you put into capturing their memories.

Q: What is one interesting fact that people don’t know about you?

A:  Although I speak in front of thousands of people a year, I am actually really shy around people. I guess I am a bit of an introvert. I get really nervous in small groups and typically sit in the back of the room so I am not noticed.

Q: What is the best advice you have ever been given regarding your business and by whom?

A:  My parents were great examples to me through their service to others. They showed me that by giving to others you receive blessings that cannot be measured in dollars.  It was the many selfless acts that I watched them do that helped me to see that true happiness is only found by giving of yourself.

Q: If you weren’t a photographer, what would you do for a living?

A: I guess I would be living my life as a gypsy. I would travel the world and find ways to work with people and help them change their lives for the better. I guess in a way I am already a gypsy of sorts!

Q: Who are some of your mentors?

A: Honestly, I have had so many wonderful people inspire and mentor me along the way that it is hard to narrow the choices. But three people that I will forever thank are: Lizbeth Gurrina, for showing me the Art of Photography; Ann Monteith, for teaching me the Business of Photography; and Dave Junion, for inspiring me to take risks, follow my dreams and never stop believing.

Just one week left to register for our Joy to the World Websummit, if you haven’t already! We’re bringing 28 speakers from around the globe straight to your computer. That’s 14 hours of amazing business ideas that you don’t want to miss. Register today!

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