Overcome the Distractions with a Little Bit of Process


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

You’re in the middle of pulling together a presentation for a client who will be walking in the door in an hour. Your mind is racing of all the things you need to do to get the sale. And the phone rings. It’s a number you don’t recognize. Likely a potential new client.

Do you answer? You only have so many hours in the day so you feel like it’s easier to just answer than to have to put it on your to do list to call someone back.

But can your mind switch into sales mode to share all the great things you can offer? Can you get the essential information you need to assess whether the client on the phone is even right for you?

Successful business owner Julia Woods shares with us today her #1 tip for making sure you get a similar result from each initial client phone call. Julia says it’s easy, as long as you put a process in place.

She’ll share more of how she has increased her success rate from that first phone call and her sales tips today at 12 pm CST during the 10.10.10 SalesSummit replay.

If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time. Just go to http://101010.thejoyofmarketing.com and register. You’ll receive an email with instructions on how to tune in at 12 pm CST today.

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