Photography Marketing Tips – 2 Things You Should NOT Do in Your Business!


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Everyday thousands of new photographers enter into the industry and the competition continues to increase, which means you, as a photographer, have to step up your marketing game.

I’m not saying you need to go get a billboard displaying your images, but you definitely need to make sure you are marketing to the RIGHT audience.

Today I’m going to share with you 2 things you should NOT do in your photography business!

So let’s dig in!

1. Having a Facebook page instead of a business website.

This kills me! When I see a photographer on Facebook, I will Google them and look at their website.

If they don’t have a website, I instantly know they are probably a hobbyist and not a professional photographer. Yes, that will work for the “hobbyists” but not if you want to make a career out of photography.  If you want to be taken seriously as a photographer you need a beautiful website that displays your images clearly and represents you and your brand.

Remember your website is the face of your company and if people go to it and aren’t impressed they will leave! Or you will attract the WRONG clients, the price sensitive ones.

2. A slowly, poorly designed website does NOT send the message that you are worth more!  When I see a gorgeous website, regardless of the industry, I’m instantly impressed and want to learn more! However, when I see an out of date website that doesn’t load I instantly want to leave the page. So if you want to charge more for your work you NEED a website that shows how wonderful your work is and that you are worth more!

Here’s the deal many of you may think,  “I can’t afford a nice website”….. but the truth is you can!

Take a look at my senior website I created. It’s not custom coded, but it works with my brand and it is easy to maintain.

Photography Marketing Tips – 2 Things You Should NOT Do in Your Business!

It may look expensive, but it cost me $75 from Photobiz.

This is just one of the hundreds of templates they have on their site.

If you don’t have a website, you NEED one!

Here are a few action steps to help you get started!

  1. Create a folder on your desktop and name it website
  2. Pull 10 – 15 of your best images (quality over quantity)
  3. Put your logo in a folder and make sure it’s consistent everywhere
  4. Grab any design elements (colors, patterns, etc.)
  5. Call Photobiz’ passionate support team to help you
  6. Three hours later… Celebrate!

It’s really that easy!

I have a special offer for first 50 people that sign up for Photobiz. If you are one of the first 50 to sign up for a new website, you will receive a free digital copy of my New York Times Best Selling Book, Worth Every Penny. Just remember to tell Photobiz you were referred by Sarah Petty.

Click here to check out Photobiz!

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