Small Business Strategies- How to Categorize Your Database


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

When you know every person in your database intimately, your job as a marketer becomes pretty darn easy.

But the question we always get asked is: How do I categorize the people in my database?

Our answer: As many ways as you can. Your database can be divided into current customers, prospects, and past clients. It can be divided by age group, buying trends, life circumstances—the list goes on, right down to each individual as an individual.

The point is, the more you know, the more personalized your communication can be. And the more personalized your communication is, the stronger your relationship will be with each customer.

Your Customers: Who are They?

Here are five categories we use to help us better understand the needs of all the clients in our database.

1. The Big Fish: These are the people who love to spend money with you. They’re the people who truly seem as if they can’t buy enough of your stuff. But, realize they’re coming to you because they love you, and you need to love them in return.

2. The Steady Eddies: Every business has a few loyal fans who return over and over again. It may be because they love your business, or it may be because they’re creatures of habit.

3. The Matchmakers: There are some people in life who are simply connectors. Some connectors may spend very little with you and visit infrequently—in fact, you may hardly consider them customers at all. But they might be connected to the leaders of all the big fund-raising events, other vendors who would make great partners, or other people who could help drive your business.

4. The Choir: These are the customers who will sing your business’s name from high atop the mountain even if no one is listening. These customers may be big spenders or little spenders. They may visit frequently or infrequently. But they’re sure to talk about you with glowing regard at every opportunity.

5. The Taste Testers: This group presents a huge opportunity even if it’s not made up of your best customers. The Taste Testers are the customers who will try you out on a small scale. They’ll watch. They’ll observe. And they may even go to your competition for a taste.

If you’d like more tips on pricing, marketing, and small business strategies, I’ll send you a free copy of my New York Times Best Selling book, Worth Every Penny: Build a Business that Thrills Your Clients and Still Charge What You’re Worth. Just go here to get your free copy of Worth Every Penny.

Small Business Strategies- How to Categorize Your Database

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