Small Business Marketing Help – Summer Reading List


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

As many of you know, I am a business book junkie. Here are a few new favorites along with some past favorites.

One of the cheapest ways to get marketing help for your business is to read a business book. I would love to see all of you make it your goal to read a new book a month. This will help you get focused on building a strong business and keep working on your business.

Let me know if you have read any of these and what you think.


Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t

Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness

The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue EXCELLENCE

Made to Stick

If you want to follow Seth Godin and his efforts with The Domino Project, you will be sure to stay inspired!

Now tell me YOUR favorite business book!!! You can see more of my favorites here!

Launching a Home-Based Photography Business

You do not need a photography studio space to start a business. It’s true! If not having a studio has discouraged you from starting your own photography business, don’t let that keep you from taking the plunge. Launching a successful home-based business is entirely...

3 Ways to Market Your Photography Business Without Spending Money

A marketing plan is vital for any business, but as portrait photographers, some of the most successful marketing strategies don’t require big investments. You can watch your business grow by getting out into your community, talking to people, connecting with other...