Tackling the to do list in your photography business this crazy holiday season

Merry and Bright Holiday Card Pose


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Here’s a tip I want to share that has helped me tremendously in my photography business over the last few weeks. Trying to get everything done during the busiest time of the year is frankly overwhelming. When I look at my to do list that is pages and pages long, I just want to climb back in bed. So while I keep that same to do list that consists of several pages, I don’t work off of it. Otherwise I’ll feel like I’m accomplishing nothing. Here’s what I do instead.

Every day I take 3-5 tasks and put them on a small Post-it note (the 3″ x 3″size). Instead of focusing on that huge list everyday,  I work off just the 3-5 things on the 3″ x 3″ Post-it note.  At the end of the day after I’ve accomplished everything on the Post-It (and yes, I do get it all done because it’s a managable amount), I go back to the long to do list, cross off what I’ve accomplished from the Post-It and write out tomorrow’s tasks on a new 3″ x 3″ square.

Try it and let us know if it works for you!





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