The Biggest Photography Giveaway Ever!


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

To start off 2012 with a bang, we’re sharing some of Sarah’s Favorite Things with you!

Move over Oprah, there are a ton of prizes you can win, just by registering.

Here is what we’re giving away:

  • A Photographic backdrop from White House Custom Colour
  • A copy of industry-leading presentation software, ProSelect ($399 value)
  • A free logo design from Marathon Press ($495 value)
  • One year free lease of Successware, the must-have financial software for the photography industry ($1,000 value)
  • Large Round About frame from Wild Sorbet – our clients are going crazy for these
  • A Year of Animoto Pro – the best way to make your client presentations SHINE
  • $100 Adorama gift card – for all your equipment needs
  • Free registration to John Hartman’s Marketing Boot Camp in Las Vegas
  • 1 free year of iTextPhoto’s Studio basic plan
  • 42″ x 72″ reflector from Larson Enterprises
  • Kevin Kubota’s Lighting Notebook
  • Sarah’s favorite royalty free song, Anything is Possible, from Triple Scoop Music

For your chance to win, just go here. You can see each of the items we’re giving away in a new video Sarah made, PLUS register to win, too! And if you don’t win, each of our favorite things shares a special with you so you can add these awesome resources to your tool kit for 2012.

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