Small Business Strategies: The Myth of Multi-tasking


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute
Click on the The Myth of Multi-tasking to read the full blog post.

So I’ll admit, I’m guilty. I constantly multi-task. In fact, if I’m not doing more than one thing at a time, I feel like there is something wrong with me. Like I’m not on top of my game. And I bet most small business owners feel the same way. Bred from the feeling that there is never enough hours in the day, we try to cram as much in as we can, working simultaneously…checking email while on a call, reading the mail during meetings, etc. I recently chatted with Dave Crenshaw, author of The Myth of Multitasking: How “Doing It All” Gets Nothing Done. Dave discusses small business strategies to implement so you are productive.

LIsten to my 25 minute interview with Dave and you’ll learn:

  • What to do when you’re interrupted to get back on track
  • How to minimize the frequency of interruptions you experience
  • 4 of Dave’s ‘switchbusters’ to help keep multi-tasking at bay


Don’t forget to let us know what you think of Dave’s tips and share your favorite tips for being productive.

And if you want to learn more from Dave, check out his free coaching videos at and his new book Invaluable: The Secret to Becoming Irreplaceable

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