Marketing Blog: To Blog or Not to Blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

As small business owners and managers, we struggle every day with the demands that are put on our time. To come up with new content a few times a week for a marketing blog seems crazy and a huge waste when we don’t even know what the return for our business will be, right? We’re just as guilty at Sarah Petty Photography, but we’re rethinking our stance now that these stats came out from Hubspot.

Those who blog see:

  • 55% more visitors to their web site
  • 97% more links to their web site which is a primary factor in where your web site shows up in search results

It’s pretty eye-opening, but when you think about it, it just makes sense. After all, why would people come back to your web site if you aren’t constantly updating it? Do you give your clients a reason to check back in with you? Or will they see the same thing 6 months from now that they see today on your web site?

Given the nature of most small businesses, we don’t have the time, resource, or even the need to add page after page of new content each month. Our products may not change, but how we present them should. And the quickest, easiest way to do this is with your blog. Whether it be announcing a promotion or special event or if you’re a photographer just showing off your latest background or new images, you’ve got the content you need for a blog. So go ahead. Blog about your business. The results will speak for themselves!

Enjoy – Erin Verbeck, Chief Joy Officer

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