To hire or not to hire?


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

We get several questions about when is the right time to hire an employee. While there is no hard and fast answer, it does first and foremost come down to your financials. However, in today’s world there are options other than hiring a full time employee for us to consider. At The Photography Business Institute and Sarah Petty Photography, we recently hired a part-time, home-based graphic designer. 10 years ago, most people wouldn’t have ever considered that type of work arrangement. I came across an interesting article about the types of employees you can hire that I thought might be of interest for those of your considering hiring. It goes beyond the traditional full-time employee. Take a look if you’re thinking of hiring.

Launching a Home-Based Photography Business

You do not need a photography studio space to start a business. It’s true! If not having a studio has discouraged you from starting your own photography business, don’t let that keep you from taking the plunge. Launching a successful home-based business is entirely...

3 Ways to Market Your Photography Business Without Spending Money

A marketing plan is vital for any business, but as portrait photographers, some of the most successful marketing strategies don’t require big investments. You can watch your business grow by getting out into your community, talking to people, connecting with other...