We want to hear from you!


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

What a whirlwind last few months it has been planning the Telesummit on top of runnig a busy studio. When I brought on Erin, our Chief Joy Officer, I promised bigger things and the Telesummit is just the first of many. So as our most valued customers, we want to know…. What do you think? Are you excited about the Telesummit? What speakers do you wish we had included that aren’t on the speaker line up? Let us know – shoot an email to erin@thejoyofmarketing.com or better yet comment on the blog post!


P.S. We’re also looking for a good solution for those who are hearing impaired to listen to the telesummit. Do any of you know of any resources? We want everyone to enjoy!

Launching a Home-Based Photography Business

You do not need a photography studio space to start a business. It’s true! If not having a studio has discouraged you from starting your own photography business, don’t let that keep you from taking the plunge. Launching a successful home-based business is entirely...

3 Ways to Market Your Photography Business Without Spending Money

A marketing plan is vital for any business, but as portrait photographers, some of the most successful marketing strategies don’t require big investments. You can watch your business grow by getting out into your community, talking to people, connecting with other...