Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Hello Joyfriends!

We are thrilled to have a bigger and better website and Pantry. We have been working for months to create a new site that we can update more easily. We have a fancier new shopping cart which will be live soon. It is amazing how much technology is out there and how it can help us all. We are looking forward to communicating here and posting our favorite things, ideas and travels only for you, our members. We want you to succeed and if you have any ideas, suggestions or education you would like to see us offer in the future, please shoot them over to us through the contact page. Over the next few months, we will be adding and beefing up The Pantry so be sure to check back often.


Camera Care Tips for Trouble-Free Photography Sessions

Have you ever had that dream? You’re in the studio, about to start a family photography session. Your clients are ready and looking great. You get them in place, check your lighting, and pick up your camera. Looking through the viewfinder, you frame your image and...

Why Networking with Other Businesses is a Must for Photographers

The business world loves the term networking. While it can be thrown around as a buzzword, when you break it down, it simply means making connections and building relationships. While networking is a part of many jobs, it is essential for professional photographers...