Worth Every Penny Online Video Launch Party


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Where do you look for new ideas to perk up your business when you’re in a rut? Sure you can find great things from industry leaders who are top of their game but once you, too, become a master in your industry, how do you keep innovating?

For us, some of the best inspiration comes from outside our industry. By observing local businesses when we travel and even in our own communities – from restauranteurs, retail stores, personal trainers, dentists, and others – our minds fill with ideas we then make work for our businesses –  both at Sarah Petty Photography and at Photography Business Institute.

Today is the official launch day of Worth Every Penny. And many of the business examples from the book will be joining us for an online video launch party where you’ll get a behind the scenes look at some really cool businesses who are successfully charging what they’re worth and thrilling their clients.

Our hope is that you’ll get inspired to take a little of what they’re doing and bring it into your own business. These businesses have inspired us and we hope they will inspire you, too.

Here are just a few of our guests today: Michael Gerber, author of the E-Myth, John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing and The Referral Engine, Matt Baldwin of Baldwin Denim, Becky Gillespie of Kahala Travel, Derrek Dexheimer of Springfield Running Center & Mark Paul of Wink.

Join us today, for the online video launch party of Worth Every Penny, from 11 am to 1 pm CST. We’ll not only be giving business ideas and taking your questions live, we’ll also be giving away thousands of dollars of prizes including a Kindle Fire, itunes gift cards, a $250 gift card to Adorama, a Jill-e Croc Career bag, full year passes to Animoto Pro and 500 business cards from Marathon Press, a back drop from WHCC and more.

Join the party today and don’t forget to grab your copy of Worth Every Penny from your local book store or at Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.com.

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