Brand Failure

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

A friend was at an upscale day spa enjoying multiple services. After finishing her body treatment, she was asked to grab her clothing in her hands (while wrapped in a robe) and walk thru the facility to get to the pedicure room on the other side of the building. When you go to a day spa, you expect they are going to take care of you. Pamper you. Make all of your stress go away. In this case, they failed our friend by creating stress and forcing her in an uncomfortable situation. Everything about your business is part of your brand – from answering the phone, to collecting payments, to what your bathroom looks like.

How does this effect you? Have you thought about traffic patterns? Do you specialize in photographing nude babies?. Think about having facilities that make new moms comfortable. Your clients need privacy at times – whether they are in a dressing room, need to change their baby’s diaper or even just take a phone call. Are you giving them the brand experience they expect?

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