Bruce Hudson’s Interview for the Joy to the World Websummit

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

With 25 years experience in the business, studying with some of the finest instructors and teachers, which he is now proud to call his own mentors, Bruce Hudson took a moment to share with us a little insight on himself and what has made him so successful. Listen to Bruce Hudson and 27 other speakers from around the world at our Joy to the World Websummitt!

Q.   What do you wish you would’ve known when you started your business?

A.   That about 15% of the business revolves around photography! To actually make a comfortable living, it takes consistent and innovative marketing and the ability to project your client’s images. Luckily I learned this early in my career and that’s why I’m still in business today!

Q.   What is one interesting fact that people don’t know about you?

A.   I was formerly a professional trumpet player. I actually played with Bob Hope and Kenny G! I was also a high school band director.

Q.   What is the best advice you have ever been given regarding your business and by whom?

A.    Buy real estate and own your own commercial building! -Gary Jentoff, former Seattle photographer and very wealthy man!

Q.   If you weren’t a photographer, what would you do for a living?

A:   I’d be part of some kind of music and own a winery.

Q:    Who are some of your mentors?

A:    My late wife Sue, Steve Sheanin (WPPI Founder), Wayne Haub (Owner of H&H Color Lab), Ken Whitmire, Charles Lewis, Hal Sherman (HS band director).

Q:   Please share anything else you think would be fascinating to help photographers market their business:

A:   It takes more than just pretty pictures to make it in the business! Just because you have the latest greatest camera or Photoshop program doesn’t mean you’re appointment book will be full. Find a mentor, continue to educate yourself at all times, project your images large, and become a student of marketing. Oh yeah…and have fun!

If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time! Register today and listen to others such as Tim Kelly, Laura Novak, Monica Sigmon, and more. Or, if you want to have these Flash files to keep and reference throughout the year, our special Joy to the World Websummit pre-purchase special is available until December 27, 2009 for just $59!

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