Build Your Brand by Merging Online with Offline Marketing.

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

One of the best ways to merge online marketing with offline marketing is by creating a dynamic promotional campaign and splattering it everywhere! Just like your face is how people recognize you personally, your logo must stay the same so that you build brand equity and people continue to recognize you. Your promotional campaigns, however, are more like your clothing. These can be trendy and playful because you will only use them for a few years at the most.


As far as making your campaign integrated, it is lIke sending a birthday party invitation. If there is a Mexican theme used for the invitation, when people show up they will be expecting Mexican food and bright, fun decor. When guests arrive, if everything is decorated in neutral colors, quiet music and a gourmet meal, there will be confusion. It is the same with your online and offline marketing for your business. People need to recognize you when they see a printed piece or visit your website. Many times, small business owners want to reinvent the wheel for every area of their promotional plan, however, consistency is the name of the game.

Here are 3 ways to build your brand and create a bridge to your online and offline marketing.

1. Create a campaign slogan and logo that will position you as a leader and keep your brand fresh. Push yourself to move past the expected ideas that everyone else uses and go for something bold!

2. Create design elements that are consistent with the look and feel of your campaign. These don’t have to be exactly the same as everything else you do. Use this as an opportunity to put a fresh new outfit on your business.

3. Put the campaign everywhere – Online: website, email headers, blog. Offline: brochures, direct marketing pieces, auction displays, signage, packaging, etc. Use your laser printer and creativity to splatter your new campaign in little unexpected places such as signage, bag tags, etc.


If you are looking for professionally designed campaigns, check out Shine On and We Love That Thing You Do. These will afford you the opportunity to quickly have amazing designs so you can focus on your business.

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