Brand Building Tip: Trade With Other Small Businesses

Lesson 1 Legal and Branding


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Brand building is so important when creating a small business but so often, I hear small business owners say that they can’t afford a professional graphic designer. I am a big believer that small business owners should strive to make their business viable – in other words, grow the business as the business justifies the growth. This is good news because your business should be able to grow without taking on a bunch of debt. The other good news is that there are options available to you other than paying for everything you need (and no, stealing is not the answer).

One great (and cost-effective) solution is to trade your services for those of others. For example, if you are a photographer, you could trade with a graphic designer or a web designer. You could even trade with someone in the restaurant business to cater an event you are having. Everyone needs great photography. You could even trade with media. For example, a photography marketing idea if you’re a photographers is to trade with the radio station by photographing their staff in exchange with radio spots to promote an event you are having. What a great way to build your high school senior business! We did this years ago for a fashion show that we held to launch our high school senior business. We received a ton of radio exposure during the week of the event and traded it all out. When you are small and growing, use your skills to help others and you will help yourself at the same time.

If you are a boutique business that doesn’t have great photography, find one to trade services with. This is your assignment for this week to get the momentum going!


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