Business Cards

Photography Business Institute


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

So what DO you do? I stopped at a delicious bakery in MO on the way to Memphis today. What a yummy treat instead of the normal interstate offerings. In the corner, there was a large wedding cake display on the top of a glass case. Inside the case was other wedding products, photos of cakes, etc. There were several brochures and business cards neatly displayed on the top of the table. Out of curiosity, I picked up a business card from one of the stacks. The company was called ‘Something Elegant.’ There was a photo of flowers. I was trying to figure out if this was a florist, a photographer, the pastry chef or the place to call for the items in the glass case. Why would it seem unimportant to put WHAT this company does on their business card? Although I agree, sometimes small businesses try to make their business card more of an informative brochure, it does help to tell what you do. I have seen others who don’t put contact information either. Sometimes it is so easy for the obvious things to slip by.

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