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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

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Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

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Marketing Help: Using Marketing Strategies & Tactics for Growth

Marketing Help: Using Marketing Strategies & Tactics for Growth

From my experience, many small business owners get a little confused between marketing strategies and tactics and how they can both be used to grow a profitable business. If you are working on tactics without having a strategy behind it, you will not get the results you are expecting.

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Small Business Sales Tip: Sell the Destination, Not the Plane

Small Business Sales Tip: Sell the Destination, Not the Plane

Suppose you are trying to sway your spouse, significant other or BFF to go on a vacation with you to Hawaii. Are you going to tell him how the airplane is shiny, has lots of seats and serves pretzels to you? Heck no. You will talk about how the sun will feel on his face and the sand squishing between his toes. How at the resort, you can swim to the bar from the pool and the second your cute little drink with the umbrella gets near empty, an eager person hustles over and offers to refill it. You tell him how when he returns, he will be the person with the best tan in the entire office.

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Marketing Help: Using Marketing Strategies & Tactics for Growth

Marketing Help to Increase Your Average Sale

Yesterday I had an experience that illustrates what all boutique small business owners should be doing to justify their higher prices. It was too good not to share with you.

My husband, Chris, I and just celebrated 10 years of marriage. We love to travel so I suggested we take a big trip to somewhere we wouldn’t typically go. I know Chris has wanted to visit Australia for some time, but we’ve done very little research on what all Australia has to offer.

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Marketing Help: Using Marketing Strategies & Tactics for Growth

Brand Building Like the Big Guys in Your Small Business

Last week my husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. You can imagine my surprise when he presented me with a signature blue bag and box from Tiffany & Co.

Unwrapping the gift was just as much of an exciting experience as actually enjoying the jewelry. From untying the perfect white bow to lifting the box lid in anticipation of what was inside, my heart was pounding. Their marketing was working! A gift from Tiffany? For me? Wow!

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Marketing Help: Using Marketing Strategies & Tactics for Growth

A Small Business Sales Tip – How to Overcome Objections

If you aren’t getting objections when selling to your clients, you are done selling. You have either closed the sale or the client wants to leave without placing an order. Many times, you need to work on getting the real objection from the client but if they are not buying, there is a reason. If you don’t find out what the reason is, you can’t sell through it.

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Marketing Help: Using Marketing Strategies & Tactics for Growth

How to Find Pre-qualified Buyers with Boutique Marketing

Finding prospects in your target market isn’t as hard as you might think. Just like when someone refers you to shop at one of their favorite businesses, it makes the buyping decision easier. You also enter that relationship in a much more open way than if you simply responded to a deep discount. If you look at this scenario from a business owner’s perspective, it only makes sense that when we work together with other business owners, we will all benefit. This should be a mutually beneficial relationship and help both businesses.

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Marketing Help: Using Marketing Strategies & Tactics for Growth

Grow Your Small Business By Looking For the Negative

I’ll admit. I cringe when we get negative feedback at The Joy of Marketing. Maybe it’s the oldest child in me, but I don’t deal well with dissatisfied clients. Yep, I take it personally. I want everyone to be satisfied. When they aren’t, I just want to have a good cry. Yet I know we’re not perfect.

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How Much Should your Photography Marketing Budget be?

I HATE photography marketing that’s expensive… ???? Facebook ads... ????????Paying someone to SEO your website … ????????????Mall displays…. Paid photography marketing sucks the money out of your bank account faster than you can make it. ???? So what should you if...

How do you Market Your Photography Business when you’re Overwhelmed?

School calls… Your daughter has a stomach ache… You have a session tonight and it’s pouring down rain… Your spouse is traveling all week for work… Your boss is breathing down your neck because you’re late again… The fridge is empty… And laundry is spilling out of the...

What if You’re Not Good at Photography Marketing?

Picking out shoes that are in style… Singing karaoke… Resisting the Reese’s Peanut Buttercups that find their way into the studio…. All things I’m TERRIBLE at. And I bet you have things you’re not great at, too. If marketing’s one of the things you DREAD…. It may just...

PBI Squiggles yellow
Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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