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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Small Business Strategies: You vs. Competition

Small Business Strategies: You vs. Competition

I’m as competitive as the next guy (or girl). Truth be told, probably more so. But when I switched my focus from corporate branding to small business, one thing I learned quickly is that your small business will succeed or fail based on YOUR business, not the business of your competition.

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Small Business Strategies: You vs. Competition

Small Business Strategies: 3 Tips to Up-Selling

Last week I visited the eye doctor – one of the last placesI would expect to experience an upsell.

The staff was remarkably friendly and incredibly efficient,both of which go a long way with me as it’s not something common in the medical profession. When it came to dilate my pupils, the upsell began.

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Small Business Strategies: You vs. Competition

Work On Your Photography Business One Thread At A Time

This weekend, I was teaching my 7 year old daughter how to make friendship bracelets with embroidery floss. It is basically tying knots but it takes coordination to keep track of several strands of embroidery floss at once. If you get confused or lose your place, your bracelet doesn’t come out the way you want. After watching me do it, my daughter was sure that she could do it too. She started but quickly got tied up in the many strands. As I could see her becoming frustrated, I took a moment to slow down and go one step at a time.

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Small Business Strategies: You vs. Competition

Small Business Blog: Reasons You Should Mentor

Meet Bri. Bri is a cool high schooler who spent her job shadow day with us a week ago. If you want to infuse some life in your business and remind you how much you do really love what you do, always say yes when asked to host a student for these days.

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Small Business Strategies: You vs. Competition

Small Business Blog: How To Say No

Sometimes you have to do it. Even if you don’t want to, your business runs more smoothly when you do.  And you benefit from peace-of-mind and a sense of relief when you do it.

What am I talking about?

Telling your customers no.

It’s hard to say no to paying customers as a business owner. Especially when we’re told no all day long from vendors, laws and even our own families.

“We can’t send you this product in 3 days.”

“You cannot pay less in taxes.”

“You can’t drive 50 mph in a 30 mph zone (without paying for it).”

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Small Business Strategies: You vs. Competition

Small Business Blog: How To Make Planning Easy!

A few weeks ago, we launched the Small Business Marketing Ideas Podcast with our first episode where we shared three alternatives to discounting your products and services. If you missed it, just subscribe to our podcast in iTunes by clicking on the link in this blog post that will take you straight there.

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How to Sell Holiday Cards: 9 Tips for Surviving the Madness

10 years ago I nearly made a mistake that would have cost me thousands of dollars. It was Christmas Eve and I was in tears... Instead of wrapping gifts and celebrating holiday traditions with my 3 kiddos, I was racing around town, fighting traffic, trying to deliver...

4 Steps to Photography Pricing for an 8×10

Photography Pricing Pop Quiz: Are you losing money on your 8x10s? How do you know? What if I told you that your photography pricing plays a huge factor in how much money you’ll make in your photography business? That little 8x10 is not just a product you sell, it’s...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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