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Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

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Try These Small Business Strategies For a Better Year in 2011!

Try These Small Business Strategies For a Better Year in 2011!

I don’t know about the rest of you but I love this week every year. Things are calm. There is time to think, organize and be thankful for a great year. Or get fired up for a better year next year. Here are 3 small business strategies I want you to think about this week to help you have a better 2011.

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Try These Small Business Strategies For a Better Year in 2011!

Try this Exercise on Brand Building

Here’s a quick little brand building exercise for everyone in small business from Sarah Petty. You can do it in 15 – 30 minutes!

Make a list of all of your competitors in your market – any other business who is doing what you do or who could be seen as an alternative to what you do by your customers.

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Try These Small Business Strategies For a Better Year in 2011!

Marketing Ideas: It’s Fine to Charge More…Just Make Sure You’re Worth It

I like to dine out, and not at your typical fast food joint or chain restaurant. While I don’t mind paying more for the dining experience, I find myself often walking away thinking that was nice but not really worth the money. Your marketing ideas are what thrills your customers and will cause them to pay more for your products or services.

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Wow Your Clients With These Marketing Ideas

Wow Your Clients With These Marketing Ideas

In yesterday’s post, A Brilliant Little Inexpensive Marketing Idea, I promised to share more marketing ideas for your small business that you can easily implement on a budget. Here’s the second lesson this small business mastered that any small business owner should do to enhance your clients’ experience and generate big time referrals.

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Try These Small Business Strategies For a Better Year in 2011!

A Brilliant Little Inexpensive Marketing Idea

I just returned from a nice relaxing beach vacation. I can’t say enough about the quaint boutique hotel we enjoyed. Quiet, friendly, clean, and upscale. Yet as you probably know, I look for a marketing lesson in every experience. Here’s a marketing idea I picked up that is inexpensive and attainable for every small business owner.

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10 Ways You Know You’re a Professional Photographer

Do you white balance your iPhone pictures? Do you know every cool alley in town? If you answered yes, chances are you’re a photographer. You know you’re a professional photographer if… 1. You've nearly been hit by a car while running out into the street to get “the...

4 Reasons Giving Back Will Help You Get New Photography Clients

Giving back is an important piece of building a photography business that survives and thrives for years to come. As a small business owner, I feel so strongly about giving back to the community that supports my business and is so good to me. Imagine teaming up with...

3 Reasons to Sell Holiday Cards to Every Photography Client

Holiday cards can help your business more than you know. One year I was in tears, literally, because I was spending the day before Christmas Eve driving around town delivering holiday cards to my clients instead of enjoying my own kids. I was ready to walk away from...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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