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A creative business blog for boutique photographers

creative photography business blog


Photography Business Institute
Photography Business Institute

Blog: Blog

Having a benchmark in your photography business is like having the answers to the test

Small Business Strategy for marketing on Black Friday

In the retail environment right now, it seems that consumers have been trained to be looking for sales, sales, sales. I want you to think of how using a discounting strategy today can hurt the long-term success of your brand. Can this be a viable small business strategy for marketing? Sure.

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Having a benchmark in your photography business is like having the answers to the test

5 Ways to Get Your Fans Cheering About Your Holiday Marketing Idea!

As a small business owner, if you are planning to send a generic, pre-printed holiday card with your business name imprinted on the inside, don’t bother with this marketing idea. So many business owners have gone about this ritual each year with as much gusto as getting the oil changed in their car.

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A Weekly Checklist for Photography Marketing Help

Sometimes a photography business feels like a roller coaster. One week you're on top of the world, running from sessions to ordering appointments to consultations. You're juggling more business than you can keep up with and it feels great to be in such demand. Then a...

How to Market Photography: A 15 Minute Tip

Ever wonder how to market photography... without having to spend even more time away from your family? Not all of your photography marketing activities need to take a lot of time or a large marketing budget. Even spending 15 minutes weekly on the right marketing...

3 Ways to Increase Your Portrait Orders

Often it's easier than you think to increase a client's portrait order. No, I'm not talking about selling clients a truckload full of images for their home. Instead if you apply a little creativity in how you structure your product mix and pricing options, you can...

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Photography Business Institute

The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!

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