Picking out shoes that are in style… Singing karaoke… Resisting the Reese’s Peanut Buttercups that...

Picking out shoes that are in style… Singing karaoke… Resisting the Reese’s Peanut Buttercups that...
Calling all photographers who are introverts… (don’t worry, I won’t make you get up in front of...
I was THAT photographer when I started… …pretty much the cheapest in my market. I’m not proud of...
Video Transcription: How do you even know if your photography is good enough to charge...
Video Transcription: Should you put your photography prices on your website? I say "no". My name's...
What a year 2017 was at both Sarah Petty Photography & the Photography Business Institute!...
Springfield, IL (June 13, 2017) - Photography Business Institute, a business training company for...
SELLING DIGITAL FILES.... We know clients ask for them, so how can you sell products when your...
How do I sell my photography when I don't have a studio? ....This is a question I get asked a lot...
Who remembers the boom of selective coloring in the early 2000s? Everywhere you looked, you'd see black and white images but for a pop of red in the subject's shoes or a vivid, bright bouquet colored by hand with colored pencils. Trends come and go in all creative...
If you have an eye for photography and love taking photographs, you are probably often told, “You should do this professionally!” While turning your hobby into a part-time career takes a lot of work, it can also offer you and your family many advantages. Here are some...
There’s no wrong time to follow your dream. But while starting a new career at a later age isn’t bad, it might come with some differences. Some fellow creatives have shared their thoughts and comparisons on starting a photography career earlier or later. Their...
The Photography Business Institute exists as an alternative to college or trade school to coach professional portrait photographers as they build sustainable businesses. Request more information to learn how the Photography Business Institute can transform your life and your business (all without missing a single family dinner)!